Publisher's Synopsis
Knowing how to take photos in certain areas is a necessity for any photographer, amateur and professional alike. Some locations around the world require just basic knowledge of photography techniques. Places like Disney World though, are unique in this aspect, as they are extremely diverse, featuring uniquely varying conditions in lighting and coloration. Now, while you may have a digital camera in your pocket or around your neck and you may be aware of the fundamental rules of photography and how to apply them, you will need more than those if you truly wish to capture the essence of Disney. This book is intended to teach you to do just that, revealing to you the photographic possibilities that you can take advantage of on your next visit. Whether you are a professional photographer working on a project, or an amateur enthusiast simply looking to make the most of your trip to Disney World, this book can help you learn how to bring some of the magic of the venue into your images. Some of the things that you will learn through this book include how to photograph certain events and shows, what settings to use in which areas, rides and lighting conditions, as well as some of the best locations for photos. Keep in mind that the settings described in the book are based around digital SLR cameras. Non-SLR cameras may not feature some of the options mentioned here. For optimal advantage, it is advised to have a DSLR camera with you on your visits to Disney World.