Publisher's Synopsis
In the beginning...God created all of the universe, spiritual beings, humankind, and animals. In a split second, He was aware of how His creation would diminish itself by allowing "free choice." A war in Heaven gave declaration to His wisdom whenever Lucifer refused to accept His power and authority. With demonic spirits running freely in the world today, our lives are affected by God's enduring battle with Satan. With His promise of hope through salvation, we patiently await the end of time and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Christian published author JEANIE CLINE, has ventured into exposing wicked facts and conspiracy theories, which unravel the dangerous schemes of politicians, hierarchies, and the elites, with their hidden evil agendas having existed for centuries. Their financial empires, heartless lifestyles, deceptions, immorality, assassinations, and greed are all a devious part of the Secret Societies of the Illuminati, Freemasonry, The Black Pope, the Jesuit Order and countless others. A protestor or one who attempts to reveal their existence must be robed in righteousness to remain safe from their malicious annihilations. CLINE explains how we live in an illusion - brainwashed, confused, distracted, and subjected to dominance through television, the media, newspapers, Hollywood, entertainment, and pop culture while being fed lies about healthy foods that will eventually kill us. And, not to mention, deadly experiments made through medication and immunizations. Our rising health costs indicate a financial greed made by the pyramid of 13 wealthy bloodlines of dictators - primarily the British, Dutch, Germans, and un-Orthodox Jews. POLITICS: An Evil Hidden Agenda is filled with invaluable information which CLINE hopes will be beneficial to the reader in having a clearer vision of the approaching New World Order and signs of the imminent appearance of the Antichrist.