1915-16, the Second Year

1915-16, the Second Year

Paperback (05 Aug 2016)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Every week between 1914 and 1918 a weekly publication was issued telling the people of Britain what was happening in the war. How true some of the articles were is open to debate. Many were written to build up patriotism. This book is the second in a series re-producing some of those reports and articles that Britain was reading one hundred years ago. It also includes illustrations which appeared each week. It has to be remembered though, that Britain didn't get to read of the battles as they happened, it took a while for the correspondence to get back to the publishers. And when all was quiet on the Western Front writers of the day were asked to give their opinions as to how the war was going and what they thought the future held.

Book information

ISBN: 9781536845747
Publisher: On Demand Publishing, LLC-Create Space
Imprint: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 274
Weight: 367g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 15mm