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The Dragon and the Scholar Saga

The Dragon and the Scholar Saga - The Dragon and the Scholar

Paperback (18 Jul 2016)

  • $33.70
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Publisher's Synopsis

The complete four book series of The Dragon and the Scholar Saga, available for the first time in a box set. Inexperienced but determined, the young scholar, Shannon, answers a call to heal a king wounded by dragons - and pokes her own head into a nearby dragon's lair. She finds an unexpected kindred spirit in Gnaw, a sarcastic dragon with his own agenda. With a crude knight fixing to lop off the dragon's head, Shannon works against her royal employer to keep Gnaw's head at the end of his neck, instead of displayed over the palace gate. Now she and Gnaw must face wicked knights, flying monsters that steal memories, a prince determined to marry Shannon, and ultimately, the curse of the Dragon itself. Includes Dragon's Curse Dragon's Debt Dragon's RivalDragon's Bride

Book information

ISBN: 9781535367509
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp
Imprint: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 712
Weight: 1030g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 40mm