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One For All

One For All Tales of the Musketeers

Paperback (16 Jun 2016)

  • $12.69
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Publisher's Synopsis

Masters of the Blade... Heroes without Compare... Legends in their own Time... These are The Musketeers! One For All: Tales of the Musketeers is a swashbuckling return to tales of the group of special soldiers made famous by Alexandre Dumas and in innumerable adaptations. Yet, what of Musketeers beyond their four famous literary brethren? Adventurers, men of honor, rogues, and dedicated makers of right alike wore the crest of the Musketeer throughout the organization's storied and rather long history. And authors David J. Fielding, Stacy Dooks, and Richard C. White now peel back the curtain to reveal the glistening blades and daring do of other Musketeers, men who truly stood the stead to protect good from evil, who fought, bled, and died proving each one of them lived the motto- One For All! One For All: Tales of the Musketeers. From Pro Se Productions

Book information

ISBN: 9781534734395
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp
Imprint: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 128
Weight: 132g
Height: 203mm
Width: 127mm
Spine width: 7mm