Publisher's Synopsis
"FEAR" is a series of books, each with two longer short stories that take the reader on a journey with characters who, because of luck, circumstance, misfortune or their own bad intentions all encounter a strange twist of fate. Sometimes this is an event that can be explained. Sometimes it is a mystery...but each time it has that thing we love to feel - a twinge of fear at the unexpected and unexplained, mixed with uncomfortable thought that 'That could've been me.' In this volume, we watch as something is not quite right about an antique mirror bought by one of a girl's parents and the things that she sees in it...and what seems to be looking back. In the second story two teenage boys sneak out to a late-night party against their parents' instructions. When they try to get home before the parents can notice they've been out, their miscalculations mean they missed the last ferry home...or did they? What is it about this ferry and its passengers that grows increasingly disturbing? Will they make it home?