Publisher's Synopsis
Poems tied together into an epic that combines mystical elements merged with the surreal, combined with the historical, mixed with the philosophical, and transformed into the religious. The work explores this world and its solar system from the eye of a true mystic. The reader becomes a spiritual Peeping Toms. As the collection proceeds, the main spirit evolves from a benign being, acting as an observer, into a controller of the historical. The spiritual goal then becomes to transform the living world into a paradise of living, vibrant spirituality. This is a poetic effort that follows the works of the Spanish mystic, Ibn al-Arabi, Rumi, Dante, Milton, Bunyon and others who went off on a literary quest to discover the true essence of existence. The style I've used in the writing is a combination of American BEAT suffused with American jazz, inoculated with eastern Sufism blended into a freestyle mix.