Publisher's Synopsis
The Courage and Confidence Curriculum is a 12-week study intended to strengthen students' courage and confidence. The Courage and Confidence Curriculum allows students to connect Biblical content with their life experiences to create a heightened sense of courage and confidence as they grow. Excerpt from The Courage and Confidence Curriculum: "The immeasurable qualities of confidence and courage are two of the most desirable traits that God has given us. With them a person can do great things, and without them a person can be completely immobilized. Billy Graham famously said 'Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened.' Courage emboldens us to act, and confidence can give us the direction on where to go. Our valiant efforts to teach our students should not end at academics and Biblical knowledge. A person's confidence and courage is built to its greatest strength through (1) active teaching and modeling, and/or (2) adversity. It is the goal of The Courage and Confidence Curriculum to help your student(s) obtain their confidence and courage through active teaching and modeling, which will in turn help them in their life journey to stay close to God and not participate in the dangerous aspects of this world. God has called us to be 'oaks of righteousness' (Isaiah 61:3) for Him, let us help our students/children rise up in courage and confidence to lead godly and gracious lives."