Publisher's Synopsis
As the abortion debate goes, so goes the nation. It is the linchpin. We, in the remnant church, need to learn a lived biblical theology that starts in the opening chapters of Genesis; one where love, a sound mind and the power of the Holy Spirit equips us to reach into a broken world. Accordingly, we need to redefine the language of the abortion debate, gain the driver's seat and finally win the legal protection for women and their unborn equally. There are three realities that can change the language, tested for several decades, here summed up in 400 pages, and I am satisfied they hit the mark. They starve the self-justifying oxygen of any pro-abortion ideology, and allow freedom for truth and mercy to rise.1.Informed choice, rooted in an honest definition of terms, serves human life; Roe v. Wade is the opposite, based on a pretension of ignorance (tracing back to Cain and the enemies of Jesus).2.Human abortion is the ultimate male chauvinism.3.Pro-abortion advocates silence themselves in the presence of honest questions. A simple and doable strategy is thus proposed. These pages are written for a biblical and pro-life people, those who are committed to rigorous and honest thinking. As well, eavesdroppers are most welcome, especially the most qualified dissenters possible. Let's have a good debate.