Publisher's Synopsis
Hong Kong is the second biggest FDI recipient in Asia after Mainland China, according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development's (UNCTAD) World Investment Report 2014. The HKG's Invest Hong Kong department encourages inward investment as a means of introducing new or improved products, processes, designs, and management techniques. U.S. and other foreign firms can participate in government financed and subsidized research and development programs on a national treatment basis. Capital gains are not taxed, nor are there withholding taxes on dividends and royalties. Profits can be freely converted and remitted. Foreign-owned and Hong Kong-owned company profits are taxed at the same rate - 16.5 percent. No preferential or discriminatory export and import policies affect foreign investors. Domestic industries receive no direct subsidies. Foreign investments face no disincentives, such as quotas, bonds, deposits, or other similar regulations.