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Publisher's Synopsis

Originally settled in 1629, Charlestown became well-known as the scene of the pivotal Revolutionary Battle of Bunker Hill, actually fought on Breed's Hill. Recovering from a devastating fire at the hands of the British soon after the battle, Charlestown went on to become a prosperous neighbor to Boston, eventually being annexed to the larger city in 1874. Today the city is enjoying a tremendous rebirth and the restoration of many of its important landmarks, such as the 1780 Warren Tavern.

Book information

ISBN: 9781531620011
Publisher: Arcadia Publishing (SC)
Imprint: Arcadia Publishing Library Editions
Pub date:
DEWEY: 974.461
Language: English
Number of pages: 130
Weight: 413g
Height: 244mm
Width: 170mm
Spine width: 10mm