Publisher's Synopsis
Parenting for New Dads, A Survival Guide for Parenting for New Dads Everything You Will Need to Know About Being A New Dad For many expectant dads, the thought of having their first child is an overwhelming experience. The excitement, and anticipation can make it a time of great uncertainty. Being a Dad is the most natural things in world for a man to be, but its fraught with potential pitfalls. In Parenting for New Dads we try an debunk a few myths and give it to you straight about what you're going to be up against and how wonderful the whole experience can be. So you want the low down on what to expect Parenting for New Dads will be your unofficial guide throughout this wonderful period from getting the nursery ready to dealing with toddler tantrums. Being a dad wont come naturally to a lot of men but with this book you will have a head start in this epic journey. So sit back and enjoy some peace and quiet..... while you can.... and enjoy reading Parenting for New Dads. Here's A Preview Of What You'll Discover...
- What You'll Need for the New Arrival
- What to Expect at The Hospital
- Getting Baby Home
- Dealing With Puke and Poo
- Sleeping Arrangements or Lack Of!
- Those First Three Months
- Learning to Enjoy Time With Baby
- Bonding With Baby
- Your First Year
- Dealing with Expectations
- Dealing With Toddlers
- and much more!