Publisher's Synopsis
God made everything is six days and rested on the seventh. How do we explain dinosaurs, the age of the earth and the age of the universe? How do we see distant starlight from billions of light years away if creation was only 6,000 years ago? For James Beck, these were some of the tough questions he needed answered. His journey of discovery opened his eyes to the latest scientific evidence that supports the Biblical account of creation. His exploration has greatly increased his faith, now knowing the Bible is authoritative and true. There are links to other source material, providing numerous of additional pages of information and Videos from the Internet. iBook and Kindle versions of this book allow easy access to this information with just a touch or mouse click. The iBook version also features additional Bible scripture pop-ups. Chapter 1 - My Slide Presentation Slide titles within this section include: 1. Scientific Evidences of God 2. Evolution Model 3. Biblical Creation Account 4. Science Makes more discoveries that align with creation 5. God Created the heaven and the Earth 6. Space has properties 7. Big Bang: Cosmic Microwave background 8. God stretches out the heavens 9. Age of the Earth 10. The Genesis Flood 11. Evolution 12. Outdated science from limited knowledge 13. Consider the mouse trap - 5 basic parts 14. The Equation for Life 15. Discovery of DNA 16. DNA is evidence of a supremely intelligent designer 17. Complexity of the Cell 18. Each cell functions as a miniature city 19. Designs don't happen by accident 20. Seeking out scientific discovery 21. God holds all things together 22. And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground 23. Jesus is the resurrection and the life 24. Final Victory Chapter 2 - Scientific Discovery and Bible Authority - Scientific Discovery and Bible Authority - Some Thoughts - One Way speed of Light - Heavens like a curtain - Quantum steps in red-shift - Quantized Red Shift - Distant Starlight - Zero Point Energy - Other scientific discoveries that were first in the Bible Chapter 3 - Miracles of the Bible - Old Testament Miracles - Miracles of Jesus Chapter 4 - The Bible - Some Bible Facts Chapter 5 - References Chapter 6 - About the Author