Publisher's Synopsis
Steve Dustcircle on politics, religion, health, finance, lifestyle, relationships and more.
Steve has been involved with human rights, secular politics, civil freedoms, and religious lines since leaving Christianity. Out of this, came most of these essays and commentary.
After releasing a collection of poetry and short stories entitled NAPKINS, Steve feels that another collection of writings is due: a decade of commentary (2006-2015)
Some of the articles are encouraging; some are enraging. Some are engaging; and some are previously unreleased.
Abandoning the Tough Guy
I Could Have Been an Active Shooter
A Mama's Boy without a Mama
My Father is Alive, But is Dead to Me
School Violins
Wanting Them All
Marital Financial Bliss
Not Getting Shot for a Pizza
Not the Bread-Winner
Always on the Edge of My Seat Popping Pills and Other Normalities
They Don't Have to Be Your Out-Laws
Too Grown for Santa or Other X-Mas Characters
X Out of Christmas
Autumn Leaves Aren't Blue
Gender Wars: Truce from the Male
Leaving Sportsball
Viral Etiquette
Before Your First Gig
Against Theocracy
Death to Peace-Keepers
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
Our Supposed Democracy
The Daughter You Didn't Know I Had
Lying, Cheating, Two-Timing...
Two Wrongs Made a Right Turn
777 is Not the Opposite of 666
As a Religionist: You versus the World
Breaking Up with Jesus
Knowing Everything is Knowing Nothing
Prayer Changes Nothing
The Ten Legalistic Suggestions