Novel Six Sigma Approaches to Risk Assessment and Management

Novel Six Sigma Approaches to Risk Assessment and Management

eBook (12 Jul 2017)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The progression of risk management techniques provides the crucial applications and benefits to all of society. By analyzing the current trends and techniques used to assess and mitigate risks, safer processes can be used for all professional fields, as well as society as a whole. Novel Six Sigma Approaches to Risk Assessment and Management is a vital scholarly resource that provides an in-depth examination on innovative Six Sigma methods for risk mitigation initiatives. Featuring an array of relevant topics such as project management, production scheduling, information systems security, and agricultural planning, this is an ideal reference book for professionals, academicians, students, and researchers interested in detailed research on recent advancements in the management of risk in all fields.

Book information

ISBN: 9781522527046
Imprint: IGI Global
Pub date:
Language: English
Weight: -1g