Publisher's Synopsis
The "Clergy Public Speaking Guide" is written by a senior pastor who also served as a professor of public speaking at a university. It designed for experienced clergy who desire to improve their delivery of sermons and their ability to connect with their people. Many clergy excel at the content of their messages but may need to gain tools to affect their delivery of the message. Included in the eBook are "The Ten Commandments of Public Speaking" which provide useful delivery tips for clergy as well as the "Self-Evaluation Checklist" to aid clergy to identify areas of strength as well as those in need of work. There are two parts to speeches and sermons: CONTENT and DELIVERY. What is wrought in the one must be woven into the fabric of the other. However, surpassing even those two pillars towers the importance of connecting with your listeners. That may be the most important contribution of the book: to aid clergy to build rapport and connect with their people so that their message is well-received, appreciated and remembered.