Publisher's Synopsis
God has a way of speaking to us in many ways and sometimes the answers come from the voices of angels, and other times from the resounding voice of God. Their voices are distinct and I have come to know of this communion with them intimately. However, with the expansion of new awareness, other voices of ascension have a timely message for mankind, as presented by the Ancients of old. They have divine truths to share that go beyond our lives on earth, and into more universal truths with a message of hope that we are not alone. I am always willing to be used by God in any way that He wishes. These impartations may be perceived as controversial to some, but were written without thought or intention of a desired result and under the direction of ministering spirits. Therefore, let truth be made known where God gives wisdom through His ministering spirits. Be blessed in the knowledge of such as it is given. Other available titles by the author are the "Heavenly Impartations" series, Books I, II, III, IV & V, " and "The Divine Book Of Truth - Answers to 100 of Life's Most Difficult Questions."