Publisher's Synopsis
"A must read for anyone interested in Gnosticism." Gnosticism was an early form of Christianity, possibly the earliest. In this book, Jay N. Forrest attempts to explore and explain how Gnostic Christianity can be rediscovered and lived today. Dr. Forrest was a Pentecostal Evangelical minister for over two decades before researching the Gnostic roots of Christianity. This book explores Gnostic Christianity from its origins, its founders, its foundations, its history, its teachings, and its five sacraments. These are outlines and notes that Dr. Jay N. Forrest used to create the Gnostic Podcast. He began the Gnostic Podcast on January 17, 2010, as a weekly podcast for the purpose of proclaiming and explaining a modern Gnostic Christianity that is true to Scripture, true to experience, true to reason, and true to science. Jay's teaching was based upon the Gnostic Christian Scriptures and ancient Gnostic Christian teaching, Gnostic mystical experience, modern science, and reason. The four great teachers of Gnostic Christianity were Thomas, Paul, John, and Valentinus. Gnostic Christianity is centered in the gospel of Jesus Christ as proclaimed primarily by these four great Gnostics.