Publisher's Synopsis
Imagine this... Six numbers, your numbers. One winner, you're the winner. Little over 7.8 million of your Great British Pounds... "OH. MY. GOD. OH. MY. GOD. OH MYYYYYYYY. GODDDDD!" What would you do? Pay off the debts that your low life, cheating, EX husband left you with. CHECK! Cut your hours down at work. Don't want to give it up totally, as you need something to do. CHECK! Plan a few All Inclusive trips to warmer climates. CHECK! Look into changing your clapped out KA for a nice, bigger, sparkly new car. CHECK! Hire a drop dead gorgeous, younger man for some hot fun. WTF! With a lot of, maybe not that much actually, persuading from my best friend Shelley, I decided to do just that. Let the interviews begin... "Goodbye," I almost whimper, the heat rising yet again on my face, as little electric currents run all the way from my ear to my toes. As soon as he turns to leave, I flop back into the chair, making sure I get another substantial glance of his beautiful bottom. "Wow Lynnie, wow. Play this right girl and you are gonna have some hot, toe curling fun," Shelley huffs. "You lucky, lucky bitch." *** This novel contains mature sexual content and bad language. It is not intended for younger readers or people that are easily offended. ***