Publisher's Synopsis
The Book of Power Prayer is the six of the Spiritual Growth Teaching Manuals written by Rev. Peter K. Assanful Snr. General Overseer Of Evangelical Christian Education Mission ( EvCEM). The Book of Power Prayer summaries the important prayer points that Faithful Christians need to fight Satan in other to over him. Faithful Christians always need to pray. In fact, fasting and prayer are the foremost Spiritual Weapons that are needed to conquer Satan. Fasting and Prayer give us victory over sin. Fasting and Prayer remove fear, intimidation and double- mindedness from Faithful Christians. Faithful Christians are those who have their faith and hope in Christ Jesus and remain in the anointing no matter what the feary darts Satan shoot at them. Rev. Peter K. Assanful Snr. has therefore introduced this latest book on prayer for those Christians who are very serious to banish Satan from their lives completely. Satan cannot deceive them anymore. They are more than conquers in Christ Jesus.