Publisher's Synopsis
Through the years, people have asked me a variety of honest questions that they have never found a satisfactory answer to. They are likely to be your questions too. Here is your chance to find out the answers for yourself. This study book is not to tell you what to believe, but to guide you in your own Bible research to answer your own questions. In every lesson, unless stated otherwise, every verse in the Bible on that topic is listed and considered. If we just pick and choose the verses that lean toward our opinions, we cannot be sure we have God's opinion. It is God who we want to please. Only he has the power to rescue us from hell and share with us his heavenly home. The NIV (New International Version) Bible is used in this book. All study questions are easy; they just go right down the line, verse by verse. If you meet with a study group, look up your answers at home alone. Remember, your best learning is done when you are studying alone. May this study book open up new doors of knowledge for you, and new depths of appreciation for our Lord and Savior. Do I have to tithe? Can a Christian fall away? What is the Kingdom of God? Holy Communion - Lord's Supper: When? Holy Communion - Lord's Supper: What? Isn't everyone who lives in a Christian nation automatically a Christian? How do I ask Jesus into my heart? How do I say the sinner's prayer? What things are sin? What is the difference in sin and temptation? Who is supposed to lead the church? Who should be ordained and by whom? What happens when we die? What are heaven and hell like? Can you explain Purgatory?