Publisher's Synopsis
Table of Contents Introduction Why Make a Lawn? Selection and Preparation of Land Drainage Drainage Systems Leveling When to Level? Begin Sowing Seed Planting Turf planting Lawn Maintenance Trying Your Hand at Hand Weeding Problems in Your Lawn First Cutting Feeding Your Lawn Quick Tips Conclusion Author Bio Publisher Introduction The love of gardening and creating a thing of beauty is as old as the history of mankind. Many people are born with this innate desire no doubt inherited from their ancestors to feel the soil running through their fingers, and create a wonderful place where new life grows, in the shape of trees, flowers, herbs and shrubs. This is the reason why since ancient times people have been covering wide stretches and expanses of barren land with grass seeds. Soon, lawns covered with green became part of the familiar beauty of a garden. Just imagine a garden without any sort of lawn in it. Or better still, imagine a landscape full of trees, plants, and shrubs, interspersed with brown soil with no patches of green grass around to dispel the harsh color scheme of green and brown.