Publisher's Synopsis
Seeing is believing. For those limited in mind, spirit and ambition this many well be true. For many of the greatest and most successful people in life the reverse is true - Believing is seeing. The stronger and more intense the belief. The faster and greater the results will be. Set in a background of recovering from a serious injury during a rugby match, 17 year old Frankie Marshall uses the power of his mind to rehabilitate, recover and to take his physique to new levels of power, performance and muscle development. This book explores human potential and separates scientific facts from things which are held to be fact but are in truth limiting beliefs on human development. If you are recovering from an injury or operation, or if you want to increase your mental, physical and emotional strength then The Game Changer will take you in to an internal dimension which exists inside all of us. A dimension where beliefs become reality and reality is limited purely by the strength of the beliefs that you hold.