Publisher's Synopsis
Life In Japan
This is a Book For anyone interested in the Fascinating Culture of Japan The Small Country which makes huge contributions to the world from the astounding technology to the unique Japanese food. This is for anyone interested in moving to Japan for Studies or someone wishing to make a bucket list trip It is a Great away from home vacation that is bound to be stress relieving . Tourists alike will be pleased with the Feng Shui arrangements and Nori seaweed dishes. The Zen lifestyle. And Many More of Culture Aspects of Japan. 1: History of Japan 2: Japan's Cultural Aspects to Consider 3: Japan's Demographic Information 4: Japanese Traditional Dishes 5: Japan's Zen and Religion 6: Japanese Technology 7: Japan's Landscape and Physical Structure 10 Best Reason's To Buy This Book 1. Japan is an Amazing Country 2. Japan's Technology has Revolutionized the World 3. There is Someone, Somewhere Curious about Japan's Lifestyle 4.Japanese Authentic Food 5. Japanese Religion 6. Japan is an island 7. Learn Japanese Language on a Trip to Japan 8. If You are a Tourist planning a Trip to Japan This Book is For You 9.The History of Japan is Something to behold 10.Japanese Grilled Fish Saba Shioyaki is the best Tasting Fish on the Planet