Publisher's Synopsis
In this collection of the three Tales of the Blue Sword, along with original illustrations and cover art by the author, are given the three Blue Sword books. Book One, THE BLUE SWORD AWAKES, describes the struggle of the last of the Old Race, Kelvin, to penetrate the Hidden Forges where the powerful Blue Sword slumbers, that he may deliver Arth from the demon-possessed computers called the Masters. Book Two, THE THREE WEAPONS, concerns the Historian Farrell, summoned by Tuldom the Smith to enter Arth by mystical cloud-realms bearing Three Weapons, a weapon physical, a weapon spiritual, and a weapon divine, to rescue Kelvin. Book Three, THE FORGOTTEN RIDER, takes place in a post-Masters primitive Arth of tribes and hunters. Except that they are haunted by a mysterious Rider who calls those who seek to remember the past. Darendil hunts the Rider to the Mountain of Saints, where Farrell enters Arth again to combat the Forgotten Rider.