Publisher's Synopsis
Customers don't buy products. Your products are just a means to an end. Customers buy experiences... In this book, the 3rd in the Progressive Design series, I'll define the anatomy of different customer experiences. I'll define how to achieve the profound customer experience, through evolving synergies and the science behind it. Competition is not just in terms of your intellectual property and those who seek to challenge you. The evolution of progressive design, defines how designers and their products must adapt to their environment, to account for the synergetic evolution. This evolutionary force is in constant motion within our markets and industries, where the lean and agile designer and services survives. Synergy is when we combine our efforts, in order to achieve a deeper and more subtle product flavor. When two products or services can interact or benefit from each other, they are in a synergetic relation. Synergies enforces the values of a product, as they expand their purpose and shared customer believe.