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Chameleon People

Chameleon People - K2 and Patricia Series

1st paperback ed

Paperback (09 Mar 2017)

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Publisher's Synopsis

From the international bestselling author, Hans Olav Lahlum, comes Chameleon People, the fourth murder mystery in the K2 and Patricia series.

1972. On a cold March morning the weekend peace is broken when a frantic young cyclist rings on Inspector Kolbjørn 'K2' Kristiansen's doorbell, desperate to speak to the detective.

Compelled to help, K2 lets the boy inside, only to discover that he is being pursued by K2's colleagues in the Oslo police. A bloody knife is quickly found in the young man's pocket: a knife that matches the stab wounds of a politician murdered just a few streets away.

The evidence seems clear-cut, and the arrest couldn't be easier. But with the suspect's identity unknown, and the boy refusing to speak, K2 finds himself far from closing the case. And then there is the question that K2 can't get out of his head: why would a guilty man travel directly to a police detective from the scene of his own brutal crime?

About the Publisher

Pan Books

Pan is MacMillan's paperback imprint which publishes a broad list of popular fiction and non-fiction many of its bestselling authors are published in hardback under the Macmillan imprint. In non-fiction, Pan has a strong reputation in history, military history and biography. Pan also boasts an impressive list of original paperbacks, including novels by new authors as well as non-fiction titles in health and fitness and astrology, reference books and autobiography.

Book information

ISBN: 9781509809509
Publisher: Pan Macmillan
Imprint: Pan Books
Pub date:
Edition: 1st paperback ed
DEWEY: 839.8238
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 470
Weight: 340g
Height: 132mm
Width: 197mm
Spine width: 32mm