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Birmingham Friends

Birmingham Friends - Birmingham


Paperback (06 Apr 2017)

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Publisher's Synopsis

A remarkable, stirring novel, Birmingham Friends perfectly captures the complicated intimacy of female relationships.

Anna has always been exceptionally close to her mother, Kate and as a child, was captivated by the stories her mother would tell of her childhood in Birmingham with her best friend, Olivia. Olivia and Kate seemed to have a magical friendship.

But when Kate dies, she leaves her daughter a final story, one that this time tells the whole truth of her life with Olivia Kemp. As Anna reads, she is shocked to discover how little she really knew about the mother she felt so close to. With Kate's words of caution ringing in her head, she goes in search of the one woman who can answer urgent questions about her mother's life, and about her own . . .

*Birmingham Friends was originally published as Kate and Olivia*

About the Publisher

Pan Books

Pan is MacMillan's paperback imprint which publishes a broad list of popular fiction and non-fiction many of its bestselling authors are published in hardback under the Macmillan imprint. In non-fiction, Pan has a strong reputation in history, military history and biography. Pan also boasts an impressive list of original paperbacks, including novels by new authors as well as non-fiction titles in health and fitness and astrology, reference books and autobiography.

Book information

ISBN: 9781509807871
Publisher: Pan Macmillan
Imprint: Pan Books
Pub date:
Edition: Reprint
DEWEY: 823.92
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 545
Weight: 372g
Height: 200mm
Width: 142mm
Spine width: 35mm