Publisher's Synopsis
- This book - Reality Simplified - is all about a revolutionary new simplified way of viewing reality, which is simply as what reality is formed into rather than the traditional matter in motion in space and time, which the author now considers to be a myth.
- Four reality statements describe how reality always works everywhere that combine together to give us a revolutionary new worldview of how reality is here, does change, and does continue.
- This new worldview is more than a theory, at least more than a predictive one; it gives certainties.
- Because the reforming of what the one continuing reality is already formed into is a keyway that reality always works, the author calls this the "One-Reformable-Reality Worldview."
- Regardless of whether you consider yourself a non-scientist or a scientist, or something in between, this book is written so you can understand it. Unlike traditional science, which builds on previous science and every branch has its own frontier, the One-Reformable-Reality Worldview starts with new observations and goes off in a new direction. This eliminates the gobs of references to what has previously been thought and done found in most books of this type. There are no equations in this book. It's all stated in words, plain and simple. The main requirement for understanding and using this revolutionary new worldview is a background in daily living, which everyone already has.
- It is the utility - the usefulness - of the One-Reformable-Reality Worldview that is most surprising. It can literally and drastically change your life for the better. It removes the matter in motion in space and time, which the author now considers a myth, from science, and along with it billions of years of time and replaces it with the observation that the here and now is all that exists. This book is a must read to find out how a worldview housed in a human mind can do all this - and more!