Spell Crafting

Spell Crafting Eclectic Witchcraft Course

Paperback (23 May 2015)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The Spell Crafting OWL offers discussions on ethics, the laws of magic, magic's price, types of magic, your spell cupboard, blood magic, correspondences, and magical record keeping. For ACTUAL spells, look for the OWL Spell Book! Asteria Books is proud to offer what will be an extensive digital and print library of curriculum guides for students of the Craft and occult airts. We understand that novice practitioners are yearning for material in comprehensible portions over a potentially wide range of topics, which is precisely what we provide. As an OWLS reader, you can choose from lesson titles in any course to create a comprehensive Book of Shadows or Grimoire. Furthermore, each OWL book comes with its own 10-question quiz and answer-key, allowing you to check your knowledge when you finish. OWLS are a great way to build a reference library, begin (or end) a Book of Shadows, or plan a Craft 101 class for your coven.

Book information

ISBN: 9781508444268
Publisher: Createspace
Imprint: Createspace
Pub date:
Weight: -1g