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The Unofficial Guide to Building Railroads in Minecraft(r)

The Unofficial Guide to Building Railroads in Minecraft(r) - Stem Projects in Minecraft(r)

Paperback (30 Jul 2018)

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Publisher's Synopsis

One of the most exciting aspects of creating worlds in the popular game of Minecraft is constructing railroads to carry your character around the towns you build. Rails and carts can also be used to make transportation systems in mines, but also roller-coasters. This volume shows readers how railroads constructed in Minecraft can display engineering concepts used in the real world. Using the redstone blocks in Minecraft gives readers a basic understanding of electronic circuits. Readers are also encouraged to explore computer programing and creating mods in Minecraft. The colorful illustrations and photographs help allow readers to make important connections between Minecraft and engineering.

Book information

ISBN: 9781508169352
Publisher: Rosen Publishing Group, Inc
Imprint: PowerKids Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 794.8
Language: English
Number of pages: 24
Weight: 113g
Height: 269mm
Width: 208mm
Spine width: 3mm