Publisher's Synopsis
Hearts and Minds (Vol.3) 50 Diversity and Equality Cases studies, is an excellent supplement and follow up to the previously published equality resource books Heart and Minds (Vol.1) and (Vol.2). The main aim of this resource is to get back to basics in terms of training sessions that deal with inequity and social injustice. Think Doctor Publications have deliberately adopted the view that too many diversity and equality intervention strategies and training sessions, enable learners to be fluent in the technical language of diversity such as Cross Strands; Embedding Equality; Equality Impact Assessment; Equality Duties, and all the associated legislation, at the expense of not understanding the socio-political and psychological impact of discrimination. Unfortunately, it appears that quite a few learners, trainers and consultants, appear very comfortable in operating in diversity training zones that do not address the day to day issues of discrimination, let alone the impact. The publishers of this resource book recognize that some learners will shy away from diversity and equality training that requires personal disclosure, and even suggest that they do not discriminate or claim the policies are in place so there is no real issue. Heart and Mind (Vol.3) does not allow learners to hide behind the diversity management and equality intervention jargon and psychological screens that enable them to not engage in training courses. The case studies have been chosen in order that such learners will be afforded the opportunity to discuss each scenario from an experiential or observational level, with a view to developing real strategies for addressing discrimination on a personal and professional level. Hearts and Minds (Vol.3) have adopted a learning strategy that is case study focused, which provides learners the ideal opportunity to discuss and develop practical strategies that directly address equality issues such as racism, sexuality, religion, disability, while encouraging learners to develop to be fully aware of the legal, political, organizational and personal consequences of discrimination Most importantly, Hearts and Minds (Vol.3) has been developed and priced at level that enables novices to diversity and equality training, to acquire the material at a reasonable price. After all, making money out other people's misery is nothing new, but have seen the price of similar material, Think Doctor Publications are of the view that the material in Hearts and Minds Vol.(1-3) can compete with the best equality and diversity resources on the market, and of course achieve the same learning objectives and so much more. .