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Usagi Yojimbo Saga. Volume 9

Usagi Yojimbo Saga. Volume 9

Graphic ed

Paperback (04 May 2021)

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Publisher's Synopsis

In this ninth volume, Usagi and Inspector Ishida team up once again to solve a series of murders and mysteries. Between deadly puffer fish assassinations, a run-in with a familiar pair of thieves, a large-scale corruption scheme, and a mission to uncover the meaning behind a foreign book, Usagi and Ishida have their work cut out for them! Then, join forces with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in the ongoing battle of good versus evil from Edo-era Japan to New York City!

Book information

ISBN: 9781506725062
Publisher: Penguin Random House Group
Imprint: Dark Horse Books
Pub date:
Edition: Graphic ed
DEWEY: 741.5
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 600
Weight: 1356g
Height: 169mm
Width: 259mm
Spine width: 39mm