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Harrow County Omnibus. [Volume] Two Abandoned, Hedge Magic, Dark Times A'coming, and Done Come Back

Harrow County Omnibus. [Volume] Two Abandoned, Hedge Magic, Dark Times A'coming, and Done Come Back

First edition

Paperback (20 Jul 2021)

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Publisher's Synopsis

While Emmy has been focused on dealing with supernatural threats from the outside world; a much bigger problem has been brewing at home, leading to an epic confrontation that will alter the fate of the entirety of Harrow County! Collects issues 17-32 of Harrow County.

Book information

ISBN: 9781506719924
Publisher: Penguin Random House Group
Imprint: Dark Horse Books
Pub date:
Edition: First edition
DEWEY: 741.5973
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 408
Weight: 944g
Height: 169mm
Width: 258mm
Spine width: 21mm