Publisher's Synopsis
The Kingdom Way shows how the Kingdom of God can influence our lives, churches, and cities for Christ. It relies on Scripture to develop a clear and compelling vision of the Kingdom of God that is simple, and yet provides a powerful and coherent model for many areas of life and ministry. The first chapter lays out a clear, precise, and biblical definition of the Kingdom of God as it exists today. The following chapters develop practical applications by carefully examining the Kingdom of God, and seeing how various components of it can be applied in our lives, churches, and cities. Some of the topics covered include the centrality of the Word of God, the importance of confession in our walk with God, abiding in Christ for empowerment from Him, unity in the church, and the need for prayer to bring the power of God in all these areas. The book builds toward the conclusion that the Kingdom of God is meant to be a visible, transformative force within cities, and goes on to paint a clear picture of what that looks like. Using historic and recent examples of cities that have undergone radical transformation through the Gospel, the book makes the case that transformation of our cities is something we must all work toward, and can actually see happen in our time. Far from theoretical, however, the book is immensely practical. Its groundbreaking, thoughtful approach to application will clarify your understanding of the Kingdom, and provide guidance and encouragement as you join with Jesus in working for the transformation of your city. It should be of interest to all Christians devoted to growth and ministry, and will be of particular interest to pastors, elders, and mature and maturing believers.