Publisher's Synopsis
The Little Big Book of Wisdom is a compilation of knowledge gathered over the last 30 years of teaching, coaching, and counseling students as a public school educator. The words contain powerful life lessons and cognitive realizations that are necessary for anyone who wants to rise above intellectual mediocrity, or just needs guidance in paddling through the white water of life.The intellectual gems found in The Little Big Book of Wisdom can be a valuable tool for personal growth, and have served as a buoy to many who were not afraid to change the recipe in life's cookbook. The Little Big Book of Wisdom offers some of the most important thoughts from the influential leaders who defined our national history and culture. They offer a defense against forgetting who we are by remembering who we were so we may continue to move forward.The Little Big Book of Wisdom is a source for honing your mental machete so you can offer inspiration or perspiration depending on your challenge. The depth of thought is significant, the dexterity of words is inspiring, and the wisdom is worth pondering.