Publisher's Synopsis
This book will look at the capability development of USAF BP/BPC units using current programs such as the 6th Special Operations Squadron, and detailed case studies of Farm Gate and the current Mobility Support Advisory Squadron. The focus is on both success and where the USAF falls short when developing BP/BPC capability. This work follows the planning process and initial assumptions of both Farm Gate and the MSAS with a breakdown of the two major planning oversights. First, the study will examine the lack of funding authority as a problem that needs correction at a Headquarters Air Force and legislative level by creating a globally applicable authority for building partnership. Second, the study will focus on problems with Command Authorities, specifically the unwillingness of AMC to transfer authority to the GCC. Finally, potential solutions and recommendations on all levels are proposed, from the unit to national-level policy. The book reveals shortfalls in the planning process, but it also shows the extraordinary efforts of the Airmen involved in the squadrons. From Farm Gate to the MSAS, the ultimate success of these efforts has come on the backs of professionals who stand-up the squadrons.