Publisher's Synopsis
Report explores the evolving landscape of state environmental, financial and technical programs designed to promote brownfields cleanup and reuse. This report provides a concise, user-friendly synopsis of the programs and tools that are available through state programs. The information contained in this report was gathered from state response program contacts and state response program websites. State programs continue to be at the forefront of brownfields cleanup and redevelopment, as both the public and private markets recognize the responsibilities and opportunities of state response programs in ensuring protective and sustainable cleanups. The increasing number of properties entering state programs emphasizes the states' essential role in brownfields cleanup. In the coming years-in times of heightened budgetary concerns and tight budgets-state programs will look to ensure that resources are committed for long-term monitoring and other property needs, continue to create incentives to assist in the cleanup and reuse of brownfield properties, and develop sustainability initiatives to incorporate sustainability into cleanup and end use decisions. States will continue to put many different approaches in place to meet these goals and address the diverse challenges of brownfields reuse. This report attempts to summarize those programs and approaches.