Publisher's Synopsis
In September 2003, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff in the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS)1 consolidated and updated the policies and guidance of its decommissioning program in a three-volume NUREG series, NUREG-1757, "Consolidated NMSS Decommissioning Guidance." This NUREG series provides guidance on: planning and implementing license termination under the NRC's License Termination Rule (LTR), in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 10, Part 20, Subpart E; complying with the radiological criteria for license termination; and complying with the requirements for financial assurance and recordkeeping for decommissioning and timeliness in decommissioning of materials facilities. The staff periodically updates NUREG-1757, so that it reflects current NRC decommissioning policy.