Publisher's Synopsis
In her book, Rolling Stones, she summed up her ministry: "We have preached in 17 states, have held about 300 revivals with about 10,000 professions of faith in the Lord Jesus, organized 11 churches and numerous Auxiliaries and Leagues in different states. During this period of time, spent four years as home missionaries. She also wrote My Experiences, Six Gospel Sermons, Rolling Stones, Go Tell that Fox, Getting a Shave in the Devil's Barbershop, My Trip to the West India Islands, and Woman's Bible Right to Preach the Gospel. She was also a member of the National Home Mission Board in the early years of the denomination. She was active in traveling among our churches. She was an evangelist, a promotional Secretary for various departments, and was pastor of a number of churches. She made the motion in 1935 to unite the separate conferences to form the National Association of Free Will Baptists.