Publisher's Synopsis
Using Google Super Vote - http: // - to Create The Super States of America is all about how to use the latest Internet Voting technology to save this country and later the world from the rule of the puny and undersized Brain Trust we must suffer in America today. Google Super-Vote is used currently to choose the viewer's favorite contestants to be the next American Idol. We can use this same Internet Technology to select from a wider range of candidates and a wider range of ideas. I became interested in real democracy in America when I was asked by President Nixon to join his highly immoral, unethical, and highly destructive military machine and participate in the horror known as Viet Nam. It was this most perplexing moment in my life that made me realize there had to be a better way to conduct the affairs of what I and many millions of other people all over the world considered to be the greatest country of all time, and this decision not our finest hour. Everyone I knew and millions of Americans, were protesting against this war. Yet, one man, Lyndon Johnson and then his successor Richard Nixon defied the will of the vast majority of American people and decided to have his little war despite public opinion, citing 'The Silent Majority'. According to Nixon, most people supported his genocide against the Viet Namese people by their silence. Until the invention of the Internet, we had no voice, so they still can consider us a 'Silent Majority' and much of the evil in this world is perpetrated even today under this banner. With Google Super-Vote and the rest of the Internet's wonderful and amazing technology the MAJORITY need not, nor can be silent any longer. Voting on the Internet is an idea whose time has come. Let's allow our greatest minds at Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, etc. put together the best type of democracy we can have. In History, there are moments like this only once in a lifetime. If the vast majority of the reading public can support this idea, the vast majority of the American people will always be the winners. Google is perhaps the single greatest influence on our lives in the past few years more so than any other single entity. Recently Google has ventured into Immortality, Electric cars that drive themselves, Fiber-Optics, TV, movies, music and much more. Why not allow this amazing group of talented and highly innovative engineers re-design our system of government so that America can once again regain her former glory as the best and most beloved nation on Earth? In Google Super-Vote there is more democratic technology than over 200 years of American history. With this humble little Internet gadget we can balance the budget, stop all unnecessary and fraudulent wars, shape the economy to the needs of the average middle class worker and not for the banking system and Wall Street money class. We can save trillions in waste, fraud and abuse. We can change the tax system to anything we think is more fair and tolerable. We can stop the exporting of jobs. We can instantly abolish and eliminate the government spying on America. We can promote a more healthy environment and even start to save our planet. Any ideas that meet the muster of the vast majority of people should be on the National Ballot and then we vote on them. A simple enough concept for you? The possibilities are endless. The future is now. This book can be the start of the 2nd American Revolution - one that ends where the founding fathers of this country intended - a Government truly OF, BY and FOR the PEOPLE - not for anyone else - not for the pretentious or smug, or the wealthy or the famous - just us plain old people like you and me trying to make our way in the world and support our families as best we can. And like Obama promised but failed to deliver on - YES WE CAN! Do nothing - and we're doomed!