Publisher's Synopsis
Space Station Blues: Congratulations! You found it! This is your book, your story. This is the book you wondered if anyone actually wrote. It is a piece of your life. Come on now, don't be bashful, you know you're worth it. Don't roll your eyes at me, you know that you are special and your story is worth telling! With a little help from remote sensor arrays, daily blogs, interviews with friends and coworkers, and even direct observation, I have painstakingly compiled your adventure for you to read. Enjoy these pages because you've earned it. I hope you are feeling the same sense of pride at seeing your story in print as I am in telling it to you. Perhaps you're worried about the embarrassing bits of your life. Don't worry about that. You can rest assured that I only put in the embarrassing stuff when it illustrated how you overcame something. But don't delay, turn the page and live your adventure. It's in there, waiting for you and only you. Enjoy your story!