Publisher's Synopsis
This syllabus is split into two main sections for your use. The first part establishes the role and purpose of prayer as well as its various effects. Thirty three types of prayer are listed with many practical and scriptural examples as well as instances of how, why, where and when to pray. The second part now builds on this by going into detail into spiritual warfare, including practical ways of 'binding the strongman'. There is an in depth explanation on gates and this is vital for you to understand. Also, there is a very detailed chapter dedicated to 'The Importance of Time', made popular by Pastor ChiChi's teaching of the same title. Intercessors will benefit greatly from the guide on 'Changing Nations . . . Changing The World' which goes deeper into teaching, growing and developing a culture of prayer. However, those that are just starting off will be able to use the step by step guide for an hour of prayer. Church leaders will be able to use the guide with over fifty proclamations and declarations in the section on 'Power Prayer'. Leaders will also benefit the all night prayer meeting model that is used in New Life Covenant Church. There are specific decrees that are used in New Life Covenant Church, listed for your use in your individual and group prayer meetings You will be able to help so many people with this handbook, especially if they are having difficulty spending quality time in prayer. Also, they will benefit from the experience of other people to guide them. We know that your prayer life will increase in quality and quantity once you start to apply the principles laid out here. More importantly, this book is designed for you to begin to see results.