Publisher's Synopsis
The "Heavenly Citizens" series serves as a tool to help the Christian understand not only what the Bible teaches us, but also how to study the Bible. Explaining what the Bible teaches is like giving someone a fish to eat. Teaching him how to study the Bible is like teaching someone how to fish so he can feed himself. Both approaches are essential to developing spiritual maturity."Acts" is the eighth volume in the "Heavenly Citizens" series. Acts begins with Messiah Jesus' command to His disciples to stay in Jerusalem until they were baptized with the Holy Spirit. Then Jesus ascended into heaven. Ten days later Pentecost occurred and... Well, that information is available in the exposition we provide in our four volume set on the "Book of Acts".What is the Church? What was it created to be? What role did Peter and Paul have in this? What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit? What is "speaking in tongues" and does it still hold relevance today? Where is Jesus, and will we ever see Him again? Those great questions, and many more, are answered inside the covers of our four volume set on the "Book of Acts". You mustn't miss out on the wholesome spiritual nourishment!Before we exit through the back cover, we will travel throughout the Promised Land. Then we will turn north and enter Syria, sail to Cyprus and Asia Minor, cross into Europe and visit Greece, and even end up in Rome, Italy. Wow! What travel agency can top that?The approach for "Acts" and for every volume in the "Heavenly Citizens" series is to teach the student the meaning of Scripture. We also teach him or her how to study the Bible on his/her own. We do this in two ways: we provide a few rules by which to govern our Bible study, and we demonstrate by example how to study the Bible. Experience is an outstanding teacher. In our books we practice the rules for Bible study. By walking through the Bible with us, the reader experiences firsthand what our method of study is like.We believe the student will come out of our studies with both an understanding of the Bible and the ability to truthfully understand the Bible on his/her own. The path lies before you. Walk through the gate and join the journey with us! And may the blessings of the Lord Jesus Christ be yours in abundance.