Publisher's Synopsis
Many people may find this text offensive. But my desire for many years has been to understand why so many people who regularly attend church do not get more involved in the church's ministries. While not everyone will agree with my general conclusion, it is that most of those individuals are probably not really saved. I do not want to be a judge or sound judgmental. But the simple fact is that the Bible teaches throughout that the Christian is a life of ministry and service for the Lord by the true followers of Christ.
So as will be discussed in the following pages, one of my conclusions is that the template types of prayer for salvation that many people are usually told to repeat do not work. Because of that, I have tried to explain what does work and how saved people actually got saved. In my opinion, true biblical salvation does not result from repeating the simple words of a simple prayer. It only occurs when sincere people truly seek the Lord with all of their heart, when they commit or give themselves to Him, when they trust in Him, and when they enter into a personal relationship with Him. Anything less than those things is probably not true biblical salvation. This is a very short text that should not take long to read. In writing it, my goal has not been to bring into question anyone's profession of faith in Christ. But it has been to encourage all people to examine themselves to be sure that they are in the Faith. My overall objective, as always, has been to present to the best of my ability the truth of the scriptures and to also tell others how to not die lost. In my opinion, hades is already full enough. There is one note, however, to be made with respect to the organization of this text. Something that the reader of this text might find useful is boxes that show the different passages that are being referenced at the times and in the places where they are being referenced. That way, he or she will not have to jump all over the place or get into or out of the scriptures to locate a particular reference. Hopefully that inclusion will help the reader in trying to understand the various events and to also put them into the right context. So it is hoped that that will make this book easier to read and that the Lord will receive the praise, honor, and glory that He rightfully deserves. Now, in concluding this Introduction, the final thing to be said is that three appendices have been added to this book. Appendix A is a summary about how to be saved. Because it is a summary, there are parts of it that are redundant to the main body of this book. Appendix B provides a snapshot of the night that I got saved for anyone who might want to compare what I have said in this book to my actual salvation experience. Then Appendix C provides a snapshot of the day that the Lord called me to write books for Him. The reason that these appendices have been included is to show that a personal relationship with the Lord is real. So any person, who reads this book and is a Christian, should probably have a few similar tales to share from his or her own life. That having been said, I hope that this text will be helpful to anyone who reads it.