Publisher's Synopsis
Learn about the history of Islam by making a codex book of the Hejira. Make a colorful camel craft when learning about the Arabian Peninsula and do an experiment to see why Bahrain, an island country located in the Persian Gulf has fresh water pockets around it. Make a cloud in a bottle and do an experiment to see how cold and warm fronts behave. And help your kids hang on to (or get back) their creative side in Creative Kids. In each Layers of Learning homeschool curriculum unit you'll find a recommended library list, important background information about each topic, lots of activities to choose from for kids of all ages, and sidebars with a bunch more ideas including Additional Layers, Fabulous Facts, On The Web, Writer's Workshop, Famous Folks, and Teaching Tips. Printable maps and worksheets are included at the end of each unit and may be printed as often as needed for your family or class. Learn more at