Publisher's Synopsis
This illustrated book takes its readers back in time to reexamine the important historical events of the Presidency of Lincoln and Johnson while cleverly bring the reader up to speed by explaining how the decisions and personal feeling of the past from our former Presidents, affect us today. Excerpts from the Book: The reality is that we are in a situation whereby we must take control of what we are exposing to our children on television, the media, radio, and yes, the educational system. Above all things, teach your child to read, become productive people within our communities, learn as much as possible and be independent, self-sufficient, and to work for themselves." "Because debt is slavery, and you are a slave to paying your electric bill, your rent or mortgage, your car note, the water bill, reduce your debt to the absolute necessities in life. Most of us cannot afford to rewire our entire home to work off of solar energy to become free from the grid of Electricity and the rising cost on a yearly basis therefrom but I urge you to Get out of debt and stay out of debt by paying for everything you need or desire with cash." "Education is truly the medium of exchange that will allow anyone who is able to see and hear what is going on around them, within their communities, county and State governments to take an active role in making a difference of their lives and the lives of future generations." "Our biggest problem in the country is NOT race relations and the mistreatment of the people, women's rights, gay rights, or the elderly. Our biggest problem is that our past and current forerunners sold us into voluntary servitude and we cannot wake up long enough to see that they are still passing bills that may have a lasting effect on us all. These bills will deepen the clutches of modern day slavery around the necks of ALL of our societies citizens, young and old and the only way to stop the systematic destruction of our society as we know it is to vote out the people who obviously are doing us no good in high ranking positions and put people who genuinely care about the future generations into office and holding them accountable for their wrongdoing." - Karmen Camp Included in back of this book is well established list of references, documents and an extensive Bibliography that the author urges each reader to cross reference the data and read in the future. PREFACE. CHAPTER 1. - THE PROBLEM OF RECONSTRUCTION. CHAPTER II. - THE BALTIMORE CONVENTION. CHAPTER III. - MR. JOHNSON'S ACCESSION TO THE PRESIDENCY. CHAPTER IV. - FIRST ATTEMPT TO IMPEACH THE PRESIDENT. CHAPTER V. - THE TENURE-OF-OFFICE ACT. CHAPTER VI. - IMPEACHMENT AGREED TO BY THE HOUSE. CHAPTER VII. - IMPEACHMENT REPORTED TO THE SENATE. CHAPTER VIII. - ORGANIZATION OF THE COURT ARGUMENT OF COUNSEL CHAPTER IX. - EXAMINATION OF WITNESSES AND THEIR TESTIMONY. CHAPTER X. - A CONFERENCE HELD AND THE FIRST VOTE TAKEN. CHAPTER XI. - THE IMPEACHERS IN A MAZE. A RECESS ORDERED. CHAPTER XII. - WAS IT A PARTISAN PROSECUTION? CHAPTER XIII. - THE CONSTITUTIONAL POWER OF IMPEACHMENT. CHAPTER XIV - LIFE AFTER THE PRESIDENCY AND THE DEATH OF JOHNSON CHAPTER XV- JOHNSON'S LEGACY CHAPTER XVI- CONCLUSION CHAPTER XI - FURTHER READING RESOURCES The Emancipation Proclamation Black Codes in the Former Confederate States Black Codes by the Texas State Historical Association South Carolina Black codes and Jim Crow laws The Freedmen's Bureau by W. E. B. Du Bois Gettysburg Address - Two version of the speech The Free and Sundry Moors Act 1789 SC Petition Moors Sundry Act of 1790 Willie Lynch Letter/ Speech 1712 Andrew Johnson's Presidential Cabinet BIBLIOGRAPHY- Extensive list of Books and Articles for further reading.