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The Rover Boys in the Mountains

The Rover Boys in the Mountains

Paperback (19 Aug 2013)

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Publisher's Synopsis

"Hurrah, boys, the lake is frozen over! We'll be sure to have good skating by to-morrow afternoon!" "That's fine news, Tom," came from Sam Rover. "I've been fairly aching for a skate ever since that cold snap of two weeks ago." "We'll have to start up some skating matches if good skating does really turn up," put in Dick Rover, who had just joined his two brothers in the gymnasium attached to Putnam Hall. "Don't you remember those matches we had last year?" "Certainly, Dick," answered Tom Rover. "Didn't I win one of the silver medals?" "Gracious! but what a lot has happened since then," said Sam, who was the youngest of the trio. "We've gotten rid of nearly all of our enemies, and old Crabtree is in jail and can't bother Mrs. Stanhope or Dora any more." "We didn't get rid of Dan Baxter," remarked Dick. "He gave us the slip nicely." "Do you think he'll dare to bother us again, Dick?" questioned Sam anxiously. "I hope not, but I'm not certain, Sam. The Baxters are a bad lot, as all of us know, and as Dan grows older he'll be just as wicked as his father, and maybe worse."

Book information

ISBN: 9781492201526
Publisher: On Demand Publishing, LLC-Create Space
Imprint: Createspace
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 104
Weight: 149g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 6mm