Publisher's Synopsis
This book, while not age restrictive, is written to offer options and suggestions to over 55 baby boomers that may have been displaced from the job market, forced into retirement or seeking a new career at this point in life. Job loss at any age is a traumatic event, but can be especially daunting when you have reached the age of 55 or above. Being forced out the comfort zone you were used to need not be the end of your income stream. This book will outline the decline of the existing work force and present alternative methods that you can establish opportunities to create income. Regardless if you want to have one or more areas that generate income or select a different avenue of full-time work, this book will offer a wide selection of suggestions that are existing, and in some instances inexpensive to start. If you are at a point in life where you must take charge of your future again, this book is a great starting point offering alternatives and suggestions.