Thomas A. Dorsey Father of Black Gospel Music an Interview

Thomas A. Dorsey Father of Black Gospel Music an Interview Genesis of Black Gospel Music

eBook (09 Jan 2014)

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Paperback (09 Jan 2014) $12.51

Publisher's Synopsis

Mr. Thomas Andrew Dorseys telephone number was given to the writer of this newly released book by the name Thomas A. Dorsey, Father of Black Gospel Music an Interview by a directory assistance operator in Chicago, Illinois. The writer, at the time (1975), took a chance and called, not expecting the first publisher of black gospel music to answer the phone. A very hoarse voice said Hello, and the writer recognized it immediately as being the voice he had heard on a recording about gospel music that Mr. Dorsey had done. After being asked if he would consent to being interviewed, Mr. Dorsey unenthusiastically said yes. He was unenthusiastic, the writer later discovered, because fortune hunters and status seekers had been plaguing him for interviews. Honored that Mr. Dorsey had said yes, the writer took a train from Kansas City, Missouri, to Chicago to interview this man who had written hundreds of songs.

Book information

ISBN: 9781490722368
Publisher: Trafford Publishing
Imprint: Trafford Publishing
Pub date:
Language: English
Weight: -1g